The morning was spent in a gnocchi making class with our friends from La Tana Della' Orso. We produced potatoes, flour, and the relevant implements, and got down to business.

Boiled potatoes were peeled and riced, using this tool.

The riced potato was then combined with flour.

The resulting dough was worked until it attained a fairly smooth texture.

Everyone got in on the act!

The finished product.
Unfortunately, the gnocchi were prepared with the wrong kind of flour - a fact we discovered at lunch, when they became doughy and too chewy to eat. Darnit. Will remember to use the proper flour in the future. Be careful out there.

Lunch came late due to the gnocchi crisis, but it was still quite tasty. We had gnocchi and pasta in a delicious fresh pesto sauce, that Enzo had prepared himself. Fresh pesto is way better then canned stuff!

We also had a fresh fennel-riffic salad, as well as some tomato-based beef stew.
After lunch, it was time for a lecture regarding Pangea Onlus, a microfinance and micocredit group based out of Italy. Their lecture is posted on the blog.
After the lecture, it was relaxation time - very nice, considering that the weather had cleared up and the hammock was calling our names. I headed into town to check out the election going-ons - rather entertaining, as the whole town turned out to stand in line and argue about politics.

Dinner was extremely simple, and extremely good. We had a soup of chicken broth with sausage tortellini, and some buffalo mozarella, pictured above. Buffalo mozarella, by the by, is produced from water buffalo imported from Asia, and not from bison as you may have previously believed. I am sorry if I disabused you of any fantasies of eating cheese derived from shaggy high plains beasts or something.
Tired and lazy, we went to bed early - too chilly outside to hit the purported discoteques on Bolsena's shores. Another good day in Italy.
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